Closed today.

Thank you to our supporters!

The funds we receive on an annual basis fuel our vision to be a national catalyst for discovery, innovation and renewal through music. Your continued support allows us to preserve and celebrate Canada’s music story and inspire a new generation of music lovers through programming including education programs, performances, artist incubation and exhibitions. To learn more about NMC and our annual giving program, please contact

  • Leadership and Government Supporters
  • Long Term Operational Supporters
  • Program Supporters
  • Annual Donors


    136 Anonymous Individuals

    Liam Adamson

    Alexander Adelaar

    Akesh Aheer

    Heather Alberati

    Joanne Alexander

    Anna Alger - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Chris Almas

    Dan & Helen Almas

    Daniela Amezquita

    Renee Amirault

    Kaila Andino

    Allison Arcovio

    Carol Armes

    Jan & Sue Armstrong

    Theresa Ashworth - In Memory of Ben Patton

    David Aucoin

    Shahrazad Azzi

    James Backstrom

    Jan Bagh

    Barbara Bailey

    Sheila Bailey - In Memory of Ben Patton

    James Baker

    Diana & David Ballard

    Kevin Banman

    Ms. Nancy Barnes

    Jonah Bartsch

    Eldridge Batuyong

    Karine Baudner

    Donna Bereta

    Ruth Bergen Braun

    Kelly Berntson

    Joni Bjerke

    Denise Blais

    Jana Bodie

    Steve Bodie

    David Bona- In Memory of Ben Patton

    Mike Bona - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Ryan Bona- In Memory of Ben Patton

    Alaina Booth

    Carolynne Bouey Shank

    Claire Bourret

    Kaitlin Boyd

    Rob Braide

    Doug Bret

    A. Brereton

    Adam Brophy

    Ron Brouwer

    Catherine Brown

    Jillian Brown

    Nelisha Bruce

    Jacques Bruyere

    Don & Kathleen Buie

    Kathleen Buie - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Freida Butcher

    Fred Bye

    Dan Byrne

    Heide Calderon Ghelfi

    Constantina Caldis Roberts

    David Calvert

    Pattie Cameron

    David Campbell

    Donald Campbell

    Doug Campbell

    Duane Campbell

    Lorriane Campbell -In Memory of Ben Patton

    Patricia Carswell

    Kimberley Carter- In Memory of Ben Patton

    Kathryn Chapman

    Jamie Chavez

    Yue Chen

    Nicole Cheriyan

    Danny Cheung

    Margo Chia

    Chermaine Chiu

    Karen Chong

    S Chong

    Melissa Chorney

    Leticia Christensen

    Shawna Christensen

    Debbie Chrysler - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Christina Churchill

    Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Clark

    Sylvia Clarke

    June Clark

    Kerry Clarke

    Sheila Clarke

    Steve Clemens

    Christi Clouter

    Andrea Collins

    Corie Conroy & Parkland Rise Neighbours

    Elisa Cook

    Angela Cove

    Justin Craypo

    Jo-Mary Crowchild-Fletcher

    Larry Culver

    Laurie Cusveller

    Shannon Dacanay

    Adrian Dai

    Ray Dam

    Emily Damberger

    Kendal David

    Stuart Davidson

    Adelle de la Paz

    Walter & Irene Deboni

    Mel Dee

    Kay Dennison

    Bob Derkach

    The Devaney Family

    Lori Dickson

    Jon Donlevy

    Estelle Donoghue

    Janine Douglas

    Ross & Susan Douglas

    Dina Dubinsky

    Vincent Duckworth & Christine Fraser

    Amanda Dufour

    Andrea Dunn

    Sally Dutton

    Marilyn Dyck

    David Eagle

    Sykologist & Ashleigh

    Charlene Edwards

    Peter Edwards

    David Elton

    Tom Emerson

    David & Carolyn Enns

    Elizabeth Evans

    Erin Eyre

    Donna Fallon

    Jacquie Farquhar

    DK Bruce Fenwick

    Terence Field

    Gloria Filyk

    Beatrice Findlay- In Memory of Stephen Flath

    Deborah Fleming

    Glen Flood

    Marc Forget

    Shirley Foster

    Gilles Fournier

    Adam Fox

    Janice Francey

    Nicholas Francisco

    Paul Frank

    Laura Fraser & Mark Beaton

    Liz Fraser

    Gary Fredrich-Dunne

    Pat Fryers

    The Gallagher Family

    Mary Garnett Edwards

    Lorie & Peggy Garritty

    Michelle Gauthier

    Jan Geggie

    Matthew Gibbs

    PDG Music

    Gwyneth M Gillette

    Charlene Gillis

    Aldis Gislason

    David Glass

    Lorne Glenn

    Cindy Go

    Aaron Goettel - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Tara Goslin

    Phil Grace

    Mr & Mrs. Gray

    Anne Green

    Lorraine Grover

    Sara Guilbault - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Swapna Gupna

    Judy Guthrie

    Mark Hadubiak

    Marilynne Hall

    Elizabeth Hamilton-Keen

    Catarina Hammar

    Gwen Hanes

    Nadia Hart

    Paul Harvie

    Lee Hawke

    Michael Heaney

    Diane Heaton

    Greg Heinemeyer

    Judith Henderson

    Grant Hendricksen

    Cal Hess

    Ryan Hildebrandt

    Jean & Jack Hill - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Perry & Star Hirshmiller

    Judy Hoad

    Dana Hoe

    Jennifer Hoffman

    Wayne Holender

    Casey Holford

    Marietta Holmes

    Sherry Holowach - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Allyson Hop

    Judy Horel

    Renee Houston

    Shu Kun (Katherine) Hu

    Connie Hunt and Ron Holdsworth

    Emma Hutchinson

    Mary Huynh

    Tara Hyland-Russell

    Garth Jacques

    Sonya Jakubec

    Carrie Jamieson

    Melanie Jantzie

    Edward Jessome - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Sam Jin

    Cathy Johnson

    Holly Johnson

    Margaret Johnson

    Steig Johnson

    Warren Johnson - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Don J. Johnston

    Suzanne Joly

    Donna Jones

    Jill Jones

    Dmitri Kalchenko

    Diane Kamitakahara

    Greg Kane & Adrian Burns

    Stece Kane

    Mary Kapusta

    Doug and Peggy Kay

    Suzanne Kear

    Devon Keiran

    Ms. Sam Kelley

    Victor Khoo

    Ryunosuke Kikuno

    Aria & Everett

    Rudi & Christine Kincel

    Randy Kinniburgh

    Cynthia Klaassen

    Cheryl Knight

    Janet Knowles

    Megumi Kondo

    Rita Kong

    Mark Kotris

    Brian Krausert

    Roman Krizek

    John & Sandy Kruse

    Anita Kung

    Wendy Kunsman

    Calvin Kwok

    Anita Kwong

    Greg Kwong

    Shannon Lee

    Suzanne Laforest

    Tyler Landon

    Stephanie Larouche

    Heine Larsen

    David Lathrop

    Glenn Laverty

    Herwig Lavicka

    Cindy Lawrence

    Susan Lea-Makenny

    Marco Lebrasseur

    Sandra Lee

    Norm Leong

    Meredith Letain

    Eldon Lew

    Jacqueline Lewis

    Mason Lieu

    Bonnie Limpert

    Catherine Lis

    Ruth Lund

    Karen Lynch

    Lisa & Alex Reid

    Hamish MacAulay

    Dianne MacCuspic

    Linda MacKinnon

    Sylvia Madder

    Michelle Madore-Mills

    Paul Mah

    Stanley & Ora Major

    Dawn Makishi

    Joy Mamer

    Lawrence Man

    Dennis Marr

    Sharon Martens

    John Martin

    Laura May

    Ryan & Kathleen McCallum

    Laura McCormack - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Annette McCullough


    Dean Mcintosh - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Judy McIntyre

    Brent McKarney

    Rachel McLean- In Memory of Ben Patton

    Brian Melhoff

    Michelle Mereau

    Luise Merk

    Cari Merkley - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Jim & Donna Merkley - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Robert Michaleski

    Katherine Milani

    Helen Miller

    Malcolm Miller

    Jessica Miller Switzer & Joshua Switzer

    Brian Mills & Susan Tyrrell

    Rosanne Mills

    John & Maggie Mitchell

    Lois Mitchell

    Lynn Moen

    Jesse Moffat & Melanie Langford

    Richard Moody

    Brent Moore

    Ed Moore

    Jocelyn Moore - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Joe Moreau

    Barry Morishita

    Dave & Paula Morris

    Bonnie & Michael Moschopedis

    Darlene Mosiuk

    Andrew & Ingrid Mosker


    Douglas Murdoch

    Glen Murphy

    Mary Murray

    Kathy Mutch- In Memory of Ben Patton

    Terence Myles

    Claire Neily

    Michael Nguyen

    Carmen Nicholls

    Leslie Nicholls

    Allan Nielsen

    Nataliya Novak

    Monique Ntep

    Martha Nystrom

    The O' Reilly Family

    Sean O'Brien

    Rosemary Oddie

    Mary Catherine & Steve O'Gorman

    Yuho Okado

    Terry Olexyn

    Kirsten Olson

    Mike Olson

    Adam Oppenheim

    Maria Ortiz

    Melissa Osinski

    Donna Pahl

    Stephanie Pahl

    Perlanie Panganiban

    Jane Papenhuyzen

    Dane Paries

    Jeff Parry

    Cecilia Patterson

    Rebecca Patzelt

    Curtis Payne - In Memory of Ben Patton

    James & Donna Pearson

    Ian Pedersen

    Barb & Keith Pedersen

    Bill Penner & Erisa Didkowsky-Penner

    Shirley Penner

    Claudette Petersen

    Dale Peterson

    Liz Peterson

    Dmytro Petlovannyi

    Stacy Petriuk

    Randy Pettipas

    William Petty

    Jeni Piepgrass

    Karina Pillay

    Kathy Pinder

    Diane Pinet

    Brian Plesuk - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Brent Podiluk

    Tim Polanik

    Karen Prentice

    Angel Prieto

    Aimee Primolo

    The Prodan Family

    Janice Quade

    Margaret Rabe

    Will Ratliffe

    Elizabeth Reade

    Gerald Reid

    Melanie Richard

    Wes & Deana Richardson

    Carolyn & Larry Hursh

    Alanna Rinkl

    Miranda Robinson

    Roberta Robinson

    Karen Roller

    Sarah Romanuck

    Eric Rosenbaum

    Ward Rosin

    Wanda Rodd

    Rhonda Roth - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Mark Rouleau

    Katie Rountree

    Mary Rozsa de Coquet

    Jodie Rubel

    Susanne Ruberg-Gordon

    Jasmine Rudakewich

    Irina Rudic

    Cynthia Ruhrmann

    Murray Rundle

    Greg Rusling

    Anne Saco

    Walid Sahbi

    Felipe Salinas

    Don Samson

    Nicole Sandblom

    Doreen Sandercock

    Amrita Sandhu

    Chad Saunders

    Greg Sawatzky

    EJ Schiiler

    Lorraine Schmaltz

    Ryan Schmidt

    Diane Scott

    Jim Scott

    Lauren Scott

    Louise Scott

    Anna Scurfield

    Michael Seaman

    Craig & Cara Senyk

    Mariellen Sereno

    David Severson

    Robert Sevick

    Coralia Sevilla

    Maxwell Shedd

    Danny Shibley - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Clarice Siebens

    Britt Simmons

    Cynthia Sisk Edgar

    Jeff Slack

    Renee Sloos

    Derek Small

    Mogens & Nicki Smed

    Drew Smith

    Jacob Smith

    Mike Smith

    Miss Alane Smith

    Sean Smith

    Tom Smith

    Alison Smoole

    Dale Soloski- In Memory of Ben Patton

    Tyler Soron

    Antoinette Sossong

    David Spence

    Aileen Spencer - In Memory of Stephen Flath

    Dr. George Sprigner


    Bruce Standing

    Andy Stanislav

    Cheru Stanzeleit - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Kristen Stark - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Brian Stevenson

    George & Ellen Stewart

    Josie Stiles

    Kerry Stinson

    Patti Stobbe

    Kelly Stonehocker

    Gail Strasser

    Laurie & Doug Stother

    Erin Sudbury - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Sarah Sunico

    Blair Sveinson

    Lynda Swanson - In Memory of Stephen Flath

    Kelly Swart-Davis - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Robert Sweluk

    Michael Sword

    Stephanie Talbot

    Melanie Tamura - In Memory of Benjamin Patton

    Melisa Tan

    Elodie Taniere

    Walter and Kathy Tarnowetski - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Jason Tate

    Andrea Taylor

    Lori Thomas

    Dwight Thompson

    Robert Thompson

    Liana Thorburn

    Robert Thorburn

    Ian Thornton

    Lyndsey Threesuns

    Eric Tilbrook

    E & D Tillotson

    Victoria Tirmizi

    Sherry Tkach

    Keri Tkachuk

    Adam Tolppanen

    Andrewa Tomie

    Hannah Phung

    James Tubman- In Honour of son Garnett Tubman

    Lone Tuff - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Sonia Tyhonchuk

    Karen Ussher

    Tamizah Valji - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Linda Van Havere

    Ron Van Paridon

    Christine Vandenberghe

    Peeranut Visetsuth

    Gordon Vogt

    Erin Walker

    Roberta Walker

    Safara Walker - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Robert Wallace

    Bonnie Wallis

    Brandon Wallis

    Jennifer Walsh

    Donna Waraksa

    Brad Warner

    Sharon Watkins

    Jeanne Watson

    Kira Watts - In Memory of Ben Patton

    Wayne Wegner

    Paul Weisbeck

    Deb Weiss - In Memory of Ben Patton

    David White

    Joshua White

    Adison Wiberg

    Cheryl Wilms

    James Wilson

    Ken Wilson

    Richard Winkelaar

    Leonard Winzinowich

    Byron Wong

    Desmond Wong

    Paul Wong

    Donna Wood

    Brian Woodward

    Tammy Yee

    Yoonji Lee

    Jenn Young

    Janet Youngdahl

    Jordan Zacher

    Vince Zafra

    Helen Zerai

    Yi Zhao

    Anne Zinatelli


    3 Anonymous Organizations

    Alberta Foundation for the Arts

    Alberta Music Industry Association

    ARC Resources Ltd.

    ATB Financial

    ATCO Group

    Bell Canada Inc.

    Bell Media Inc.

    BMO Financial Group

    Boardwalk Rental Communities

    Borden Ladner Gervais

    Calgary Arts Development Authority

    Canada Summer Jobs


    Canadian Heritage

    Canadian Museums Association

    Canadian Museums Association - Young Canada


    Charlesglen Toyota

    Commonwealth Games Association of Canada

    Coril Holdings

    Ernst & Young LLP

    Flagworks Inc. - for Arlene Flock McKen Cloud Lounge

    Flair Foundation

    Government of Canada

    Government of Alberta

    Heromado Foundation


    Kanovsky Family Foundation

    Linda Putnam Legacy Fund at Calgary Foundation

    Mawer Investment Management Ltd

    Morrison Homes - In Memory of Ben Patton

    National Bank Financial

    National Bank of Canada


    Ovintiv Holdings

    Quebec Drama Federation

    Quebec Government

    RBC Foundation

    Robert & Particia Steele

    Robert & Barbara Shaunessy through Gift Funds Canada

    Rozsa Foundation

    S.M Blair Family Foundation

    Sam & Ida Switzer Fund held at the Jewish Community Foundation of Calgary


    Senyk Investment Management Ltd


    Spearhead Fund at Calgary Foundation

    TC Energy


    The Arthur J. E. Child Foundation

    The Calgary Foundation

    The Hotchkiss Family Foundation

    The Scotlyn Foundation

    The Scotlyn Foundation Trust Fund

    The Shawana Foundation

    Trail Appliances - In Memory of Ben Patton

    United Way of Calgary and Area

    United Way of Calgary, Donor Choice Program

    United Way of Greater Toronto

    Viewpoint Foundation

    Village Brewery

    Winspear Centre

  • NMC Builders: Capital Campaign 2011–2017

    1,000,000 – 9,999,999

    Founding partner: ATCO
    ATB Financial
    BMO Financial Group
    Calgary Foundation
    The Flair Foundation
    Jamie Hill & Tammy-Lynn Powers
    Memorial Foundation
    National Bank
    Power Corporation of Canada
    RBC Foundation
    Simpson Family and CANA Construction
    Southern Family
    Taylor Family Foundation
    TD Bank Group
    Viewpoint Foundation
    Van Wielingen Family
    Anonymous donors

    500,000 – 999,999

    Alberta Museums Association Museum Flood Funding Program
    Bell Media
    The Arthur J. E. Child Foundation
    Mogens Smed
    The Sam and Betty Switzer Foundation
    Anonymous donors

    100,000 – 499,999

    Alberta Foundation for the Arts
    Bill and Nancy Andrew
    Kevin and Helen Beingessner
    Desirée and Marc Bombenon
    Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
    Freida Butcher and Greg Sawatzky
    Calgary Arts Development
    Canada Western Bank
    CCI Thermal Technologies Inc.
    Walt and Irene DeBoni
    Michael and Jane Evans Family
    Brian and Stephanie Felesky
    FirstEnergy Capital Corp.
    Charles Fischer and Joanne Cuthbertson
    Eric Forst, Kathy Forst, Neil Forst and Helen Tighe
    Patricia and Lorne Gordon
    Tim Harvie
    Dick and Lois Haskayne
    The Alvin and Mona Libin Foundation
    Jeff and Marilyn McCaig
    John and Maggie KHG Mitchell Family Fund
    The Newall Family Foundation in honour of
    J. E. (Ted) Newall
    Sheryl and Willard Olauson, in memory of
    Richard (Rick) Olauson
    Peter and Ildiko Paulson
    The Scotlyn Foundation
    Larry and Laura Lee Shelley
    Sam and Ida Switzer Fund
    TransCanada Corporation
    WestJet Airlines
    Anonymous Donors

    50,000 – 99,999

    Thomas D'Aquino and Susan Peterson D'Aquino
    Arc Resources Ltd.
    Braide Family
    Buchanan/Nowak Family
    Dean, Matthew, Blake, Christina Burns and their families
    Don and Betty Douglas
    The Flanagan Foundation
    Linda and Milt Hohol
    Linda and Roger Jackson
    Neil Labatte
    Loblaw Companies Limited
    F. Richard Matthews
    Brian Mills and Susan Tyrrell
    Mount Royal Suzuki Piano Parents Association
    Ken and Stephanie Wilson
    Paul and Audrey Wilson
    Anonymous Donors

    25,000 – 49,999

    Borger Group of Companies
    Scott and Tracy Burns
    Cam Clark Ford
    Canada's Walk of Fame
    The CORE Shopping Centre
    Jack and Joan Donald
    Jennifer Fuhr
    Ralph and Sheila Gurevitch
    Pep and Bev Lough
    Richard R. Singleton
    Don and Susie Smith
    Wettstein Family Foundation
    Ron and Melissa Wigham
    Paul Kam Chung Wong

    10,000 – 24,999

    John and Dianne Amundrud
    Burns Memorial Fund
    Neil and Kathy Camarta
    Canada Post Community Foundation
    Jim Cuddy
    Dentons Canada LLP
    Tom Emerson
    John and Bunny Ferguson
    Doug and Peggy Kay
    Mair Family
    Chris and Jeff McGinley
    Michele and Bob Michaleski
    David and Audrey Mirvish
    Bruce H. Mitchell
    Andrew and Ingrid Mosker
    Nexen Energy, a CNOOC Limited Company
    Norrep Foundation
    Dan Owen
    Phelps Family
    Jeni Piepgrass and Magni Magnason
    The Rozsa Foundation
    Brad and Michelle Shaw
    Bob and Pat Steele
    Tangerine Bank
    T. Murray Wilson