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Since time immemorial, Indigenous people have connected to the land; an inspirational source for music. For many nations, music is believed to be sacred, primarily for its purpose, traditional songs have come about from dreams, ceremonies, listening to nature, prayer and life experiences. Songs are gifts for celebration, to honour, to ultimately connect to spirit. In spite of failed colonial attempts (i.e. residential schools) to silence Indigenous voices, traditional music is thriving today. Contemporary artists have also adopted many musical styles to speak up against injustices, dispossession, and have used music as a form of resistance. Many artists have also shared unique cultural histories, perspectives and languages. In doing so, Indigenous artists have fostered dialogues and understanding which have and continue to radically shift the Canadian paradigm of whom First Nation, Métis and Inuit people are. With support from TD, Speak Up! will showcase an annual selection of First Nation, Métis and Inuit artists from across Canada who have left their mark on culture through music.

Speak Up!

Voices that matter – Past – Present – Future